Advent Portents!—Cosmic Discontent? Or Heaven Sent?

Advent Portents!—Cosmic Discontent? Or Heaven Sent?

Order of Worship Service, November 29, 2020   11:00 am, First Sunday of Advent (Printable PDF)
(Video will be posted LIVE on the church’s FB page at 11am.  Livestream will be cross-posted here ASAP once the livestream starts)

PRELUDE: Sleepers, Wake (WACHET AUF) J. S. Bach, transcribed for piano solo by Myra Hess

The night is far spent.
The day draws near.
The Light of the World is coming,
illuminating the darkness.
Each of us has an opportunity to become light.
We wait between darkness and light!
A holy space
Advent is here!
A holy time.
Let the first light of Advent shine

HYMN:  Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus (#82)

May the sounds of Advent
stir a longing in your people, O God.
Come again to set us free
from the dullness of routine
and the poverty of our imaginations
Break the patterns
which bind us to small commitments
and to the stale answers we give
to questions of no importance.
Let the Advent trumpet blow,
let the walls of our defenses crumble,
and make a place in our lives
for the freshness of your love,
well-lived in the Spirit,
and still given to all who know their need
and dare receive it.
–Howard Thurman, The Mood of Christmas

SUNG RESPONSE: While We Are Waiting, Come  #92
SCRIPTURE:       Isaiah 64:1-9   Mark 13:24-37
SUNG RESPONSE TO BIBLE READINGS:  Comfort, Comfort, Ye My People  (#3 Blue Presbyterian Hymnal)
SERMON:   Advent Portents!—Cosmic Discontent? Or Heaven Sent?  (Transcript PDF)
CHORAL ANTHEM: Prepare the Way, O Zion (BEREDEN VÄG FÖR HERRAN) arr. Mark Schweizer
INTERCESSORY PRAYER— with comments by people on FB (You can also email prayer requests to during office hours)
the Lord’s Prayer

SUNG RESPONSE:   He Came Down    (#137)
OFFERTORY DUET: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (VENI EMMANUEL) -arrangement by Sharon Wilson, played by Neal Long and Emily Davidson
                 Offering link

Immanuel, God with us,
our wallets and purses,
our checkbooks and credit cards
are getting a workout in this season.
In so doing, are we revealing You, our true God?
Forgive us and receive our offerings.
Help us, through our giving,
to get our priorities straight.
May joy, gentleness, gratitude, and peace
be our bottom line.
With our hearts and minds
led by you in Christ Jesus,
we pray. Amen.

HYMN:   O Come, O Come Emmanuel (#88, stanzas 1-4) 
SUNG BENEDICTION RESPONSE:     O Come, O Come Emmanuel   (#88, stanza 6)
POSTLUDE: Savior of the Nations, Come-F.W. Zachow (1663-1712)


Pastor- Scott Myers
Piano- Emily Davidson
Choir- Josh Stark, Neil Long, Jennifer Weiman, Em WitbolsFeugen
Camera/Facebook/Prayer requests: Deanna Capps
Webpage- Martine Roesel


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