October Newsletter

October Newsletter


Dear Westport Presbies,

Looking forward to more at WPC this coming month!

News In and Around the Community:

  • Fall Kick-Off + Potluck
    Join us this weekend (Sept 29) as we celebrate God’s goodness to us in the past and look to the future. Jared will be talking about the path ahead for WPC during this period of “interim” ministry. And then following worship we’ll enjoy a potluck lunch together. Bring something to share! (Jared is bringing an Indian Curry – he promises to keep the spice level tolerable).
  • Connection Hour Offerings
    Stay tuned for more details about some experimental gatherings on Sunday mornings. We are in the planning stages for a “Connection Hour” from 10—10:50am before worship, which we hope will be ready to start up in a few weeks. Possible groups include a stress management group and a discussion/reading group related to faith, art, and culture.
  • Oct. 20 Congregational Meeting
    Our Session has approved a congregational meeting on Oct. 20 following worship. The purpose of the meeting will be two-fold. First, we will vote to approve a 2024 Nominating Committee. Second, we will consider a proposed amendment to our congregational by-laws
  • Weekday Lunch Ministry
    The Missions Committee is currently discerning the best path forward for our weekday lunch ministry. This time of transition is a good time for the congregation to reflect on the impact and sustainability of its current ministries. Staffing daily lunch distribution has been challenging. And there are other, larger, feeding ministries in the midtown area. So we are discerning how to best allocate our energy and resources.
  • Solar Panel Update
    WPC’s Session voted unanimously last month to approve a proposal to install solar panels on the roof of the church building. We are grateful for a gift that will help offset part of these expenses. And we are excited about the longer-term energy savings for the congregation.
  • Membership at WPC
    We will be receiving new members to the congregation this Fall. If you’re interested or just have questions, let Jared know!  jared@westportpresbyterian.org

Upcoming Events:

See our calendar for activities in and around the church!

  • Sept 29 – Fall Kickoff: Sept 29
  • Oct 6 at 7pm- English Dance: Martine and Deanna will host the monthly Historical English Dance lesson in the church basement.  All are welcome.  Come 15 minutes early for beginner lesson.
  • Oct 9&23 at 7PM – Westport Pres Zoom Bible Study.  Contact the church for the link
  • Oct 18 at noon – Brown Bag Concert – Prairie Earth Ensemble
  • Oct 18 at noon – Gloria Heifner’s Art Show about women’s rights, featuring “Audacious Women” and “Uterus” series.  Opening in conjuction with the Brown Bag concert.
  • Oct 27 – Presbyterians for Earth Care virtual book club on 4th Sundays.  Link to more info
  • FREDitation is now on TUESDAYS at 4:30.  Join us for a centering prayer experience

Keep the faith!  WPC



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