When You Arrive
Worship services start at 11 am and end at noon. See our Worship Services page for online services.
Adult Sunday School usually meets before Worship. We have currently have 2 Connection Hour small groups that are meeting. The Overcoming Overwhelm class meets in the upstairs children’s space at 9:30 a.m. and a book discussion group meets at 10 a.m. in the church “living room” next to the sanctuary.
You will be greeted by an usher as you enter the sanctuary and are welcome to sit anywhere you like.
Be sure to pick up a bulletin! We print all the readings and hymns directly into the bulletin to make it easy to follow along throughout the service. We also include news, special announcements, upcoming events, and prayer concerns.
About our Worship Services
Our worship style could be described as creative traditional. We include a lot of responsive readings and reflective readings. We often incorporate prayers from around the world and other faith traditions.
We follow a traditional order of worship including elements such as: opening & closing hymns, prayer of confession, passing of the peace, reading of scripture, sermon, and offertory.
We sing a variety of hymns, some traditional and some contemporary. We use Glory to God (The New Presbyterian Hymnal) and Sing the Faith. We enjoy singing songs from around the world, and sometimes in their original languages.
We have a beautiful Martin Pasi Pipe Organ, as well as a piano and various percussion instruments that accompany us in song throughout worship.
What is typical attire?
Come as you are! Anything from dressy to casual will fit in just fine.
Is child care available?
Children 5+ are invited to meet with our Sunday School team leaders during the first half of our worship services. Please drop children off in the upstairs children’s room just prior to services. They are welcome to stay and play under the babysitter’s watchful eye through the rest of the service. Please pick your children up at the end of service.
Nursery care is also available for kids under 5 anytime during the service. Young children are welcome to stay with their parents throughout the service or go play with our babysitter in the children’s area.
Parents are asked to fill out a brief registration form before church begins. (This form only needs to be filled out once).
After Worship
You are invited to join us after worship in the fellowship hall for coffee and snacks, and so we can get to know you! We love meeting new people.