Worship Services Archive (Page 25)

Worship Services Archive (Page 25)

Video will stream LIVE on the church’s FB page on Sundays at 11am and the video will be cross-posted here momentarily afterward.

No Room in the Inn

No Room in the Inn!                                  Luke 2:1-20    “And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”  What a parable of our souls, our lives and the state of our world! There was no room in the inn! But there was room in a manger! Jesus…

The Dishonest Money Manager

The Dishonest Money Manager —Sermon Link — Luke 16:1-13 Prayer Sept 22, 2019 link My own translation of one of Jesus’ sayings in today’s parable of the Dishonest Steward will keep coming back to the center of today’s message. That is—“The people whose lives are focused on dealing with money—are more shrewd in dealing with their own matters than the people who…

The Triathlon of Faith

                   The Triathlon of Faith—Luke 11:1-13 The triathlon is one of the more demanding challenges in athletics. An Olympic event as of the 2000 Sydney Olympics, the Olympic triathlon challenges men and women to swim 1,500 meters (a metric mile), bicycle 40 kilometers(25 miles) and then run 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) Another triathlon, the Sprint Triathlon, is…

Five Minutes ‘Til Burnout?

Five Minutes ‘Til Burnout?—1 Kings 19:1-15, Luke 8: 26-39 Elijah was living in a time zone that I call “Five minutes ‘til burn out.” A stressful state of mind! All the time! Poorly paid! Nerves always frayed! Problems that can’t be solved! Conflicts that are never resolved! Death threats start to arrive!  How long, Lord?—Will he still be alive? Where can he hide! Elijah!…

A Miracle of Contagious Joy!

If you were to try to distill the mission of Jesus followers into a single sentence, it is to create modern—everyday—life changing miracles. Embrace!— the Creative Mystery of God in our daily encounters & experiences! Share!— the Wonder of Divine Love that is liberated from the world’s grinding demands. This extraordinary mission begins in our personal lives with how…

Like a Mother Hen

LIKE A MOTHER HEN—Luke 13:31-35 People who followed Jesus in the years after his life and death were focused on communicating a message with two basic thrusts~ First—Jesus’ own message and teachings! The faith of Jesus! Second!— a message about Jesus! His life and deeds of power. Within 50 years of his death on the cross—three gospels emerged: Mark, Matthew and Luke. Mark…

The Art of Awakening (Transfiguration)

 Old Testament: Exodus 34:29-35   New Testament: Luke 9:28-36 One of life’s greatest purposes is awakening to who you really are. Becoming who you were born to be! So many obstacles stand in the way. For instance: The most loving parents may still not be able to conceive of who you might become. Even if parents are able to do this, your awakening may happen later in life…

What Are You Being Prepared For?

What Are You Being Prepared for? (Luke 4:14-30) Today’s passage from Luke is short enough that we can do a group Bible study of its verses. If you wish, you may turn to this passage on page 57-58 in the New Testament section of your pew Bible. When Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom. This…

Epiphany- Wisdom of Seeking Christ

On Becoming Wise—Matthew 2:1-2 During this long holiday season—starting with Thanksgiving and continuing through Christmas, now into the New Year— I wonder how often you have felt a need for a strong dose of wisdom. In a certain conversation????—help me become wise!! Or in a series of challenging conversations—haven’t you wanted wisdom? Or in some relationship! Or in a…