Dear Westport Presbies, family and friends,
Good morning, church! And welcome to all our friends! A shout out to our international friends, from Canada and Africa!
We are now on a far flung mission together! When we cross this dangerous territory that we are now in, we will understand more, love more. While physical distancing, let us become soul embracing. Going away, we still come near.
We pray for the sick, the dying and all those who have died around the world. We pray for everyone giving them medical care, all doctors, nurses, health care workers, everyone working in grocery stores and drug stores, and all who are delivering everything to those places, and working to provide food, medicines, housing, transportation, and other emergency services during this calamity. We pray for the school children and youth, at home parents and grandparents, suddenly unemployed, out-of-business people who own and work in all the businesses, schools, libraries,arts, recreational and community facilities that we see around us that are closed during this disaster.
Yesterday, we managed to sustain our ministry in two ways: serving the homeless by providing showers, clothes washing and food. We are grateful to Brooke Sweeney, MD, the leader of our health safety team, along with her husband, Chris Sweeney, MD, Drew Irwin, Steve Zeoli and Stan Morgan. Compassionate Action for 12 people who came in need! We praise God!
We also held our first Live Stream worship service on Facebook. Thanks to Emily Davidson, music director, Deanna Capps, I-Pad camera operator, and choir section leaders: Jennifer Weiman, Megan Dobbs, Josh Stark and Neal Long, for creating beautiful music. You can see and hear the worship service at this link: Scroll to VIDEOS. You might use earbuds with your phone or computer. Next Sunday, at 11 am, go to the same Facebook link. We will be here! We are adding an external microphone to the I-pad to enhance sound. If you have a Facebook page, you can send in your prayer requests during the morning prayer (or before) and they will be read during the prayers. See our online sermon archive for yesterday’s sermon
We continue to give out lunch bags to people who are homeless during the week. Small AA groups are meeting. The shower ministry will happen again next Sunday morning. The Deacons will be keeping in contact with members and friends to see what help is needed. A church member is going buy grocery store gift cards to give to members and friends who are in need, have lost their job, or become underemployed. Communicate needs you are aware of to me, please.
Let us each continue to make space for God’s grace and to keep the faith!
Stay safe! Stay well! Stay alive! Stay aware! Stay in love–with your neighbor as with yourself–and with God.
Rev Scott