Hope and Fear In An Election Year

Hope and Fear In An Election Year

October 20, 2024

PRELUDE:   Chanson d’automne                                                                            by Stephen Reynolds
CALL TO WORSHIP (based on Mark 10:35-45): 

One:          The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve. Let us follow Christ, not seeking glory, but ways to serve.
     All:           Called to worship, we bring the whole of our lives before God. 

OPENING HYMN:       O Jesus, I Have Promised   GTG#725

All:           Merciful and gentle God, we have wanted reward without sacrifice. We have been unwilling to serve, more interested in positions of status or prestige. Forgive all the ways we avoid using our gifts to help others. Correct our wayward efforts to avoid the simplicity of servanthood.  Guide us to become true followers of the way of peace, pioneered by Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


One:          People of God, your sins are forgiven, for the Lord who made all things knows our weaknesses. Therefore, turn from self-absorption and open yourself to others. Return to life lived in community, expressed in service and love.
All:           Thanks be to God! 

SUNG RESPONSE:        Change My Heart, O God   STF#2152

One:          The peace of Christ be with you.
All:           And also with you.
One:          Let us share the peace of Christ with one another.

SCRIPTURE READINGS:   Psalm 104: 1-9, 24, 35c;   Hebrews 5: 1-10

One:          May God bless the reading of Holy Scripture.
All:           Thanks be to God. 

CHORAL ANTHEM:   An African Worship Song              Joseph Martin and John R. Paradowski

One:          Gracious God, your Word is a living word. By your Spirit awaken us, that we may see and hear your presence in the world. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our brother and guide.
All:           Amen.

SERMON:   Hope and Fear In An Election Year                        Rev. Jared Witt
CONGREGATIONAL HYMN  Take Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord   GTG#707
WELCOME: News In, Around, and Beyond the Community
SUNG PREPARATION FOR PRAYER:   Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying (SING ONCE)   GTG#469
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER:  (Our Mother and Father in heaven…)
     One:          Let us give and live generously in response to all that God has done for us. Let us present our tithes and offerings to the Lord.
                 Offering link

OFFERTORY SOLO:   Still Still with Thee            John Ness Beck             Nico Caruso, tenor

One:          Lord God, you have entrusted us with the works of your own hands. Now we return these gifts to you with thanksgiving and praise.
All:           Use them for your glory and for the good of your world; through Jesus Christ, Amen.

CLOSING HYMN:  I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me   GTG#700
POSTLUDE:   Promised Land             Thomas Keesecker



  • WELCOME! MEMBERS! NEWCOMERS! FRIENDS!  We are so glad you could join us for worship today!
  • VISITORS, please take a moment to let us know you were here by picking up an attendance card (in the pews) and filling out whatever information you would like to share with us.
  • WELCOME FAMILIES! Children’s Sunday School meets in the 2nd floor Children’s Space, Sunday mornings during the 1st half of worship, beginning at 11:00 am. NURSERY care is also available upstairs. Parents are asked to fill out a brief registration form before church begins. (This form only needs to be filled out once).
  • HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES available upon request. Talk to Deanna up in the front of the sanctuary at the livestream table if you would like to use one.
  • INTERESTED IN JOINING THE CHURCH? We will be receiving new members to the congregation this Fall. If you’re interested or just have questions, contact Pastor Jared!


  • FALL WEATHER CLOTHING DRIVE: To prepare for the colder months ahead Westport Showers is collecting coats, hats, gloves, warm socks, and boots. Look through your closets and see if you have any extra items you can donate.
  • WESTPORT SHOWERS happens on Sunday mornings & Thursday nights. Items Needed for our CLOTHING CLOSET include: Sneakers, T-shirts, Underwear (Men’s Boxer Briefs), Socks, Women’s pants/shorts size 0-8, Men’s pants/shorts size 28-40, Bandaids, Sweatpants, Leggings, Belts, Backpacks, Body wash, Sports bras, & Washcloths.
  • WESTPORT SHOWERS is looking for additional volunteers to help with Sunday mornings. With the increase in guests, we would like to have teams of 2 volunteers upstairs working together at the door and 2 downstairs working in the shower/laundry room each Sunday. You would be working with experienced volunteers who can train you in what is needed. If you would like to help, and are willing to volunteer 1 Sunday morning a month, reach out to Drew Irwin or Allison Rozga for more information.
  • OUR WEEKDAY LUNCH PROGRAM had ended. A street sheet is available with information on other lunch programs in the area. Many are within 1 mile of the church. We will still be giving out lunches on Thursdays in the RESOURCE CENTER and Sundays as part of WESTPORT SHOWERS. Food donations of bread, fruit, meat, cheese, peanut butter are still needed and welcomed.


  • Overcoming Dumpster Fire Overwhelm” lead by Jennifer White.
    Does it feel like everywhere you look the world is on fire? This weekly workshop will give you 1-5 minute tools to help deal with the stresses of our modern way of living.
  • Book Discussion Group readings related to various topics including faith, art, culture, politics, earth care. Join us to discuss what we want to begin reading/studying.

INREACH & OUTREACH IN THE COMING WEEK: (All Events are at the Church, 201 Westport Rd – unless noted) 

  • Today, Oct. 20                    after worship  Congregational Meeting – to amend bylaws and approve nominating committee
  • Monday, Oct. 21                6:30 p.m.         Men’s AA Meeting (Storefront)
                                              7:30 p.m.         Boy Scout Troop 60 (Westport Rising Room)
  • Tuesday, Oct. 22                4:30 p.m.         FREDitation – a centering prayer experience – 20 min (Chapel)
    6:00 p.m.         Irish Dance (Westport Rising Room)
  • Thursday, Oct. 24              10:00 a.m.       Resource Center (Storefront)
  •                                           11:00 a.m.       Sack Lunches Distributed (Storefront)
  •                                           5:30 p.m.         Westport Showers – For Women, Trans, & Gender Non-conforming people (Basement)
  • Friday, Oct. 25                   10 a.m.             Children’s Mercy TIES Group (Fellowship Room)
  • Saturday, Oct. 26               8:30 a.m.         Living Integrated (Men’s Support Group) (Storefront)
  •                                           10:00 a.m.       Cub Scouts (Westport Rising Room)
  • Sunday, Oct. 20                 8-9:30 a.m.      Westport Showers (Fellowship Room & Basement)
    NEW Connection Hour Small Groups:
                                              9:30 a.m.         “Overcoming Dumpster Fire Overwhelm”
                                              10:00 a.m.       Book Discussion Group
                                              11:00 a.m.       Service of the Lord’s Day (Sanctuary)
                                                                     Children’s Sunday School (Upstairs Children’s Room)

No Excuse In-Person Absentee Voting
Starting October 22nd, you can vote at the following Absentee Voting Satellite Locations


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