ILLUMINATED GOOD FRIDAY—April 15, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
-Service will be attached at 7 when we go live on Facebook. This page will need to be reopened if you look for it here before we start.
(As a symbol of the increasing darkness of Jesus’ suffering and then his death, we extinguish candles one by one during the service as we journey through Holy Week and Good Friday.)
Opening Words for Meditation
HYMN: Come, Ye Disconsolate StF#2132
1. The Beginning of Holy Week! Jesus Enters Jerusalem!
Extinguish Candle #1
HYMN: We Meet You, O Christ PH#311
2. Jesus Teaches the Great Commandment
Extinguish Candle #2
HYMN: Ah, Holy Jesus GTG#218
3. From Saint Martin’s Reflection on the Kingdom of God to an Encounter with a Poor Widow in the Temple to the Last Supper in the Upper Room
Extinguish Candle #3
HYMN: Let Us Break Bread Together GTG#525
4. To Keep a True Holy Week
Extinguish Candle #4
HYMN: Go to Dark Gethsemane (1-3) GTG#220
5. In the Garden of Gethsemane
Extinguish Candle #5
HYMN: ‘Tis Midnight; and on Olive’s Brow The Hymnbook #189
6. Arrest, Trial, Peter’s Denial, The Road to Calvary
Extinguish Candle #6
SOLO: Calvary words & music by Richard Smallwood; Josh Stark, bass
7. Crucifixion and Burial
Extinguish Candle #7
HYMN: Were You There? GTG#228
Closing of the Tomb & Ninety Seconds of Silent Meditation(conclude by ringing of gong)
During the service, you will hear some modern readings and poems interpreting Jesus’ Passion (Passion for God!). In order, they are as follows:
A Just Anger, a poem by Marge Piercy
The Kingdom of God, a writing by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
To Keep A True Holy Week, adapted from a Robert Herrick poem
Excerpt from The Way of the Heart, Henry Nouwen
Jesus on the Cross, a poem by Marian McCaa Thomas
Illuminated Good Friday Worship Team:
Jennifer Weiman Mezzo soprano
Josh Stark Bass
Emma WitbolsFeugen Mezzo soprano
Emily Davidson Music director/pianist/organist
Deanna Capps Livestream director
Martine Roesel Website/online bulletin manager
Rev. Scott Myers Pastor and Arts and Spirituality creator