React or Reflect

React or Reflect

Order of Worship Service—July 3, 2022 11:00 am
Independence Day Sunday
(Video will be posted LIVE on the church’s FB page at 11am.  The video isn’t crossposting here properly, but just click on the “watch on facebook” option where the video should be and it will let you watch it without needing a facebook account)

PRELUDE: Lift Every Voice and Sing; Music, John Rosamond Johnson; piano arrangement by Dan Musselman

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable.Every step  toward the Kingdom of God goal of liberty and justice for all requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Let us become dedicated by what we give, who we become,and the work  we are willing to do.
—adapted from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

HYMN: The Hammer Song    Pete Seeger and Lee Hays

On this Independence Day weekend, We confess that for many people ours is not a sweet land of liberty. And after Pilgrims’ genuine pride, Many native people died.   Africans stolen, bought and sold, their liberty and lives denied. Although true patriots have become noble by seeking struggling, and even giving their lives to make others free— here and throughout the world— we find ourselves woefully short of the kingdom goal where all can truly sing freedom’s song. Amen.

We sing a traditional patriotic hymn that is ironic in that we don’t live up to the ideals of liberty in the song, but it can inspire us to re-commit to those ideals and  work to enlarge them.

HYMN:  My Country ‘Tis of Thee  #337
BIBLE READING:  Psalm 121    Luke 10:1-11    Jennifer Weiman
ANTHEM: Bread of Life—arr. Lee G. Barrow
MESSAGE:  React or Reflect?—A Bible Study meditation
  Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ #526

Pastor:       Let us gather around this planet friendly, holy table!  With holy bread and drink upon it!
People:      The promise of Christ being alive among us!
Pastor:       This is the welcome table of God where all who intend to experience the non-physical spiritual dimension of life—
People:      And live in relationships of freedom and peace with neighbors!
Pastor:       Hunger no more!… Come to eat! Here, everyone who longs for otherwise elusive grace
People:     May enjoy the strong love of God in Jesus Christ.
Pastor:       Here you are embraced and held by Self Giving Love!—
People:      One of God’s great and holy names!
Pastor:       Come to drink, you are invited into this holy mystery.
People:      We are ready!
Pastor:       Jesus said: “I am the bread of life. All who come to me shall not hunger, and all who believe in me shall never be thirsty.”
 People:     We are hungry for Your Love, O God, We are thirsty for Your Deep Peace, O Lamb of God. We come seeking an unusual gift— an experience of wonder and joy.
Pastor:       Come, Holy Spirit. Come. Open our eyes to the mystery of The living Christ’s presence in our midst. Through the broken bread…
People:      We are becoming the Body of Christ—
Pastor:       Whom we named Pat after our fire—a name crossing genders.
People:      We celebrate the new life Christ gives us.
Pastor:   Now Pat has a new life, Pat is a new person, as a particular Body of Christ.
People:      Let us praise and pray to God by singing an African hymn!  

CONGREGATIONAL SUNG PRAYER: Come, Bring Your Burdens to God  #851

Pastor:        Lift up names of people we wish to pray for, concluding with The Lord’s Prayer (Glory to God, page 35)…


Pastor:       The Grace, Peace, Love and Joy of Jesus Christ be with you.
People:      And also with you.
Pastor:       Let us pray…..


Gracious and loving God, You have united us into a body of Christ,  And nourished us at Your table with holy food and drink.  Thank you for feeding our hunger and relieving our thirst. Now send us into the world to do the great work You have called us to do;  To find the lost and lonely!   To heal wounded souls! To free people, including ourselves, who are not at all free!    To give compassion to the vulnerable and marginalized! To love Beauty, the Planet and Sky, To persist in resisting evil, and to share by what we say and do  The Message of Jesus Christ!— Who is The Light in the World.  Amen.

SUNG COMMUNION RESPONSE: Let Us Break Bread Together  # 525  
OFFERTORY:  Bread of the World—John Abdenour; The ensemble
                 Offering link


May all beings everywhere plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses. May those frightened cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free. May the powerless find power, and may people think of befriending one another. May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness the children, the aged, the unprotected–  be guarded now and always. Amen.              –Buddhist prayer

HYMN:     Lift Every Voice and Sing          #339
SUNG RESPONSE:   Lead me, Guide Me (sing twice)  #740
POSTLUDE: Prelude to the Dance—David Lanz


The church is closed tomorrow for the July 4 holiday.
Zoom Bible Study (Mark 1:21-34), Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 pm Ask for the link.


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