Receiving Our Lives with Gratitude

Receiving Our Lives with Gratitude

October 6, 2024

(Video will be posted LIVE on the church’s FB page at 11am and then cross-posted here afterwards.  If the video doesn’t load properly here, you should be able to click on the Watch on Facebook link and watch as a guest, even if you don’t have Facebook) 


PRELUDE:   Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread                                   setting by Daniel Burton
CALL TO WORSHIP (from Psalm 8): 

One:          O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens…
All:           When we look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are humans that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?
One:          Yet you have made them a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You have given them dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under their feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas.
All:           O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! 

OPENING HYMN:   All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly   GTG#509

All:           Sovereign God, who are we humans, that you pay any attention to us? And yet, you have entrusted us to care for all of creation. We confess the times we have thought too highly of ourselves, using and abusing the gifts of creation We confess the times we have thought too lowly of ourselves, not taking responsibility for being good stewards of the earth’s gifts, and of our own. Your desire is for peace, but so often we choose comfort and call it peace. Remind us of who we are, and whose we are. Remind us of our interdependence with creation, and our dependence on you, our Creator. Set our hearts and minds on your will, made known to us in Jesus Christ. Amen.


One:          Hear the good news: Jesus is not ashamed to call us his beloved siblings and family. Our sin is forgiven, we are made one with Christ and with each other.
All:           Thanks be to God! 

SUNG RESPONSE:   Halle, Halle, Hallelujah! (Refrain, Sing Twice)   GTG#591

One:          The peace of Christ be with you.
All:           And also with you.
One:          Let’s share the peace of Christ with one another. 

SCRIPTURE READING:   Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12
CHORAL ANTHEM:   Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken     Louis Bourgeois,          arr. Carleton Young

One:          God of wisdom, though we are mere mortals, you are mindful of us. You know the voices inside and out that distract us. You know the words we need to hear.
All:           By the power of your Holy Spirit, enable us now to receive your holy, life-giving Word. Amen.

MESSAGE:   Receiving Our Lives with Gratitude
CONGREGATIONAL HYMN      The Trumpets Sound, the Angels Sing   GTG#505
SUNG PREPARATION FOR PRAYER:  Come, Bring Your Burdens to God (Sing Twice)   GTG#851
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER:  (Our mother and Father in heaven…)
                 Offering link

OFFERTORY SOLO:   Wade in the Water     arr. Mark Hayes     Emma Witbolsfeugen, soprano

All:           Holy God, we trust in the provision of your love and the abundance of your grace. May the gifts we offer sow seeds of peace and justice. Enable us to use them according to your will, until each child finds welcome, and all of creation is healed and reconciled to you. Amen.


All:           Majestic and eternal God, you have fed us with the bread of life and satisfied us with the cup of salvation. As we rise from this table, may we remember its expanse, and our connection to our siblings in Christ around the globe. Make us instruments of your peace and messengers of your love in thought, word, and deed. Make us one with you and all of creation through the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

WELCOME: News In, Around, and Beyond the Community
CLOSING HYMNTouch the Earth Lightly   GTG#713
POSTLUDE:   For the Beauty of the Earth                Nicholas Palmer 



  • WELCOME! MEMBERS! NEWCOMERS! FRIENDS!  We are so glad you could join us for worship today!
  • VISITORS, please take a moment to let us know you were here by picking up an attendance card (in the pews) and filling out whatever information you would like to share with us.
  • WELCOME FAMILIES! Children’s Sunday School meets in the 2nd floor Children’s Space, Sunday mornings during the 1st half of worship, beginning at 11:00 am. NURSERY care is also available upstairs. Parents are asked to fill out a brief registration form before church begins. (This form only needs to be filled out once).
  • HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES available upon request. Talk to Deanna up in the front of the sanctuary at the livestream table if you would like to use one.
  • INTERESTED IN JOINING THE CHURCH? We will be receiving new members to the congregation this Fall. If you’re interested or just have questions, contact Pastor Jared!
  • Pastor Jared will be on vacation next week beginning on Wed. Oct. 9. He will be returning to work on Wed., Oct. 16. Bob Russell will be our Liturgist for Sunday, Oct. 13, and we will have a EARTH CARE theme with a panel discussing the church’s upcoming Solar Panel Project.


  • FALL WEATHER CLOTHING DRIVE: To prepare for the colder months ahead Westport Showers is collecting coats, hats, gloves, warm socks, and boots. Look through your closets and see if you have any extra items you can donate.
  • WESTPORT SHOWERS happens on Sunday mornings & Thursday nights. Items Needed for our CLOTHING CLOSET include: Sneakers, T-shirts, Underwear (Men’s Boxer Briefs), Socks, Women’s pants/shorts size 0-8, Men’s pants/shorts size 28-40, Bandaids, Sweatpants, Leggings, Belts, Backpacks, Body wash, Sports bras, & Washcloths.
  • WESTPORT SHOWERS is looking for additional volunteers to help with Sunday mornings. With the increase in guests, we would like to have teams of 2 volunteers upstairs working together at the door and 2 downstairs working in the shower/laundry room each Sunday. You would be working with experienced volunteers who can train you in what is needed. If you would like to help, and are willing to volunteer 1 Sunday morning a month, reach out to Drew Irwin or Allison Rozga for more information.
  • OUR WEEKDAY LUNCH PROGRAM is coming to an end. The last day for weekday lunches will be Friday, October 11. A street sheet is available with information on other lunch programs in the area. Many are within 1 mile of the church. We will still be giving out lunches on Thursdays in the RESOURCE CENTER and Sundays as part of WESTPORT SHOWERS. Food donations of bread, fruit, meat, cheese, peanut butter are still needed and welcomed. 

INREACH & OUTREACH IN THE COMING WEEK:  (All Events are at the Church, 201 Westport Rd – unless noted) 

     Monday, Oct. 7                  11:00 a.m.       Sack Lunches Distributed (Front Door)
                                                6:30 p.m.         Men’s AA Meeting (Storefront)
7:30 p.m.         Boy Scout Troop 60 (Westport Rising Room)
     Tuesday, Oct. 8                  11:00 a.m.       Sack Lunches Distributed (Front Door)
4:30 p.m.         FREDitation – a centering prayer experience – 20 min (Chapel)
6:00 p.m.         Irish Dance (Westport Rising Room)
7:00 p.m.         Session Meeting (Fellowship Room)
Wednesday, Oct. 9             11:00 a.m.       Sack Lunches Distributed (Front Door)
     Thursday, Oct. 10              10:00 a.m.       Resource Center Open (Storefront)
11:00 a.m.       Sack Lunches Distributed (Storefront)
5:30 p.m.         Westport Showers – For Women, Trans, & Gender Non-conforming people (Basement)
Friday, Oct. 11                   10:00 a.m.       Children’s Mercy TIES (Fellowship Room)
11:00 a.m.       Sack Lunches Distributed (Front Door)
Saturday, Oct. 12               8:30 a.m.         Living Integrated (Men’s Support Group) (Storefront)
10:00 a.m.       Cub Scouts (Westport Rising Room)
     Sunday, Oct. 13                 8-9:30 a.m.      Westport Showers (Fellowship Room & Basement)
11:00 a.m.       Service of the Lord’s Day (Sanctuary)
Children’s Sunday School (Upstairs Children’s Room)


Wednesday, Oct. 16           8:00 p.m.         Mission & Outreach Committee Meeting (Zoom)
Friday, Oct. 18                   12 noon           Westport Center for the Arts’ Brown Bag Concert Series: Prairie Earth Ensemble (Sanctuary)
1 p.m.              Concert Reception and Visual Art Exhibition Opening: Gloria Heifner, local Kansas City artist, showing her “Audacious Women” series and her “Uterus” series, each focusing on women’s rights in the United States
Sunday, Oct. 20               before worship  Connection Hour Groups meet for 1st time after worship  Congregational Meeting – to amend bylaws and approve nominating committee



If you are unable to attend any of these events the LWVKC will put recordings of them on their YOUTUBE channel at some time before the election.

No Excuse In-Person Absentee Voting
Starting October 22nd, you can vote at the following Absentee Voting Satellite Locations

  • KCEB at The Shops on Blue Parkway
    4407 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
    Kansas City, MO 64130
    Weekdays October 22 – Nov. 1: 8am – 6pm
    Saturday, Nov. 2: 8am – 12pm
    Monday, Nov. 4: 8am – 5pm
  • United Believers Community Church
    5600 E 112th Ter
    Kansas City, MO 64134
    Weekdays, Oct. 22 – Nov. 1: 10am – 6pm
    Saturday, Nov. 2: 8am – 12pm
  • The Whole Person
    3710 Main St
    Kansas City, MO 64111
    Weekdays, Oct. 22 – Nov. 1: 10am – 6pm
    Saturday, Nov. 2: 8am – 12pm
  • The Mount Christian Worship Center
    1800 E. 79th St (Corner of 79th & Paseo)
    Kansas City, MO 64130
    Weekdays, Oct. 22 – Nov. 1: 10am – 6pm
    Saturday, Nov. 2: 8am – 12pm
  • Country Club Christian Church
    6101 Ward Pkwy
    Kansas City, MO 64113
    Weekdays, Oct. 22 – Nov. 1: 10am – 6pm
    Saturday, Nov. 2: 8am – 12pm
  • Palestine Senior Citizen Activity Center
    3325 Prospect Ave
    Kansas City, MO 64128
    Weekdays, Oct. 22 – Nov. 1: 10am – 6pm
    Saturday, Nov. 2: 8am – 12pm

Important Notes: All Satellite Voting Locations use Ballot Marking Devices. Paper Ballots will ONLY be available at your home ward and precinct on Election Day.



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