heART and SOUL: A summer week IN THE SPIRIT 2021
Download Printable Version of Registration Form
heART and SOUL is a week long Arts & Spirituality Day Camp for Young People who have completed Grades 1-8. We will meet daily Monday, August 9- Friday, August 13 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. (with optional before and after activities – drop off as early as 8 a.m., pickup as late as 3 p.m.) ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED AND ON A FIRST COME/FIRST SERVE BASIS, so please register early. Registration DEADLINE is Wed. JUNE 30. You may use the same form for more than one child. If your child has any special diet restrictions, please let us know at the time of registration. We are offering this program FREE of charge and program includes lunch and snacks. There is a Refundable $30 REGISTRATION DEPOSIT that will be returned to you on the 1st day of attendence. If you have questions, please call Rev. Scott Myers at (816) 931-1032 or email info@westportpresbyterian.org
Step 1: Pay Refundable $30 Registration Deposit
You can pay securely online using the button below with a debit, credit card or electronic transfer from your bank account (e-check). Your deposit will be refunded on the first day of attendance.
Step 2: Submit Registration Information
Please complete the form below and hit the submit button to finish the online registration process.