Dear Westport Presbies, family and friends,
These are such challenging times in our world, our country, our congregation, many people’s personal lives, many of our own lives. So I thought I would send out my two recent messages rooted in THE GOSPEL OF MARK.
Mark’s gospel is a GOSPEL OF CHALLENGE AND INSPIRATION so it’s perfect for all the challenges mentioned above.
More of Mark’s inspiration is coming this Sunday(Mark 9:38-50) and it’s a timely message about how people under pressure are tempted to judge themselves harshly or judge other people harshly. Jesus has a great answer to this typical, totally contemporary problem. Come and find out! Smile….
Keep the faith…..Rev Scott
P.S. There is a 5th Sunday Breakfast this Sunday, Sept 30! And the MEADOWLARK PROJECT’S “Sound of the Plains” concert Saturday night in the sanctuary at 7:30 p.m.