Worship Services Archive (Page 14)

Worship Services Archive (Page 14)

Video will stream LIVE on the church’s FB page on Sundays at 11am and the video will be cross-posted here momentarily afterward.

A Theatre & Spirituality Worship Service

WESTPORT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—The Phoenix is Rising! Spiritual Drama—A Theatre & Spirituality Worship Service (Video will be posted LIVE on the church’s FB page at 11am and then crossposted here) August 21 2022 During this service, spirituality and theatre merge to create a holy message. Two scenes from a play reflect the Christian mysticism of Dr. Howard Thurman—the…

Illuminated Beatitudes

Illuminated Beatitudes—Arts & Spirituality Worship Service August 14, 2022 During this service, Jesus’ Beatitudes are read, along with brief interpretations of each Beatitude, and hymns are sung—while ART from all over Planet Earth, from ancient times to this very day—is displayed on the big screens. The purpose is to engage us at another level in Jesus’ core teaching…


CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION (and Holy Community) Westport Presbyterian Church August 7, 2022 11:00 am PRELUDE: Andante— César Franck RESPONSIVE CALL TO RENEW OUR SOULS Leader: Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. People: Every step toward the Kingdom of God goal of liberty and justice for all Leader: Requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; People:…

Free Enough to Want a New Life

Westport Presbyterian In Person & Livestream Service July 31, 2021, 11:00 am (Video will be posted LIVE on the church’s FB page at 11am and then crossposted here) PRELUDE: Rejoice, the Lord Is King! (DARWALL’S 148th) — setting by Dan Forrest CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS Leader: God is over all things, People: Under all things, Leader: Outside all things, People:…

Let’s Look Through the God Window!

In Person and Livestream Worship Services, July 24, 2022 (Video will be posted LIVE on the church’s FB page at 11am and then crossposted here) PRELUDE: Toccata on “Hyfrydol”—Joel Raney RESPONSIVE CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS Leader:       In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, People:      Courage to…

A Turn in Another Direction!

In Person and Livestream Worship Services, July 17, 2022 (Video will be posted LIVE on the church’s FB page at 11am and then crossposted here)   PRELUDE: Spirit—Manly RESPONSIVE CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS  Leader;       We all live in the same house, People:      We all must be part of the effort to hold down our little house. Leader:       When you see something that is…

Go Beyond the Mind You Now Have!

In Person and Livestream Worship Services, July 10, 2022 (Video will be posted LIVE on the church’s FB page at 11am and then crossposted here) PRELUDE: Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son; Plainsong melody CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS Pastor:       It is through weakness and vulnerability that we learn empathy and compassion People:      And discover our souls.…

React or Reflect

Order of Worship Service—July 3, 2022 11:00 am Independence Day Sunday (Video will be posted LIVE on the church’s FB page at 11am.  The video isn’t crossposting here properly, but just click on the “watch on facebook” option where the video should be and it will let you watch it without needing a facebook account) PRELUDE: Lift Every Voice and…

Get Out!— Before You Are Burned Out!

4th Sunday of Pentecost—Season of Holy Spirit Power June 26, 2022     11am PRELUDE: Voluntary for Flutes— John Stanley CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS     Leader:    From Moses to Jesus, those who spoke truth to power, People:    Those who refused to accept that injustice and inequality had to exist Leader:    And that there was no better way People:     Always found…