The Holy Spirit is a Supernatural Superstar Who Lost Her Shoes!

The Holy Spirit is a Supernatural Superstar Who Lost Her Shoes!

Pentecost Sunday& Memorial Day Sunday— Celebrating the Movement and Power of the Holy Spirit!
May 28, 2023, 11:00 am

PRELUDE: Siyahamba—Zulu melody, arr. Marianne Kim

Pastor: Wind who makes all winds that blow,
Quartet: Gusts that bend the saplings low,
Pastor: Gales that heave the sea in waves,
Quartet: Stirrings in the mind’s deep caves,
Pastor: Aim your breath with steady power,
Quartet: On your church this day, this hour.
Pastor: Raise, renew the life we’ve lost,
Quartet: Spirit God of Pentecost!
–Thomas Troeger

HYMN: Every Time I Feel the Spirit  GTG#66   Add a 3rd stanza: Now my Lord does, just what he said Loves those low down, sees all are fed

Pastor: Jesus did not limit his ministry to the four walls of the church.
People: He was out there fighting injustice and speaking truth to power every day.
Pastor: He was out there spreading a message of grace and redemption to the least, the last, and the lost.
People: And our charge is to find Him everywhere, every day by how we live our lives.
Pastor: So we can’t fool ourselves into thinking that we’re going to be good servants of God
People: If we are not becoming whole and true inside ourselves Amen.
—Michelle Obama

AFFIRMING OF HEALING, SAVING POWER OF GOD: Halle, Halle, Halle (sing refrain twice) GTG#591

Pastor: The peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
Pastor: Let us share the peace of Christ with each other.

SCRIPTURE: Acts 2:1-21
ANTHEM: You Sent Your Holy Spirit—Mary Rose Jensen, The Westport Choir
SERMON— The Holy Spirit is a Supernatural Superstar Who Lost Her Shoes
PRAYER: Memorial Day Prayer, Lord’s Prayer,
     Congregational Sung Response:  Spirit of the Living God (sing twice)  GTG#288
OFFERTORY: Arise, My Love, and Come Away—Don Michael Dicie, Emma WitbolsFeugen, soprano

Pastor: All beings are words of God, God’s music, God’s art.
People: Sacred books we are, For the infinite camps in our souls.
Pastor: Every act reveals God and expands God’s being. I know that may be hard to comprehend.
People: All creatures are doing their best To help God in God’s birth of God.
Pastor: Enough talk for the night. God is laboring in us;
People: Worlds are forming in our hearts.
—adapted from Meister Eckhart(1260-1328) German theologian, philosopher, mystic

CLOSING HYMN: Siyahamba GTG#853   (marching, dancing, praying, singing)
SUNG BENEDICTION RESPONSE: Siyahamba GTG#853   (Siyahamba stanza in italics)
POSTLUDE: Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit—Setting by John Carter



  • Bread, Buns, Fruit are needed for our INTERRUPT HUNGER work. WESTPORT SHOWERS happen on Sundays and onThursday nights.You make space for grace! We need men’s pants in all sizes! Men’s shoes!
  • Children’s Sunday School has restarted in the redesigned 2nd floor Children’s Space, teaching & learning will emphasize Care for the Earth, Sky and all God’s creation. 11:00 am. On Easter Sunday the Westport Rising Children’s Sunday School was re-born after the pandemic! During that first class, the children planted milkweed seeds in peat pots, and learned how essential milkweed is to Monarch butterflies- it is the only food they eat! Zack Capps already knew about Monarch butterflies from his preschool teacher. We teachers (Laura Hughes, Martine Roesel and Marian Thomas) are focusing on care for the earth in our Sunday School classes. Recent lessons have featured the importance of clean water for children living in other countries as well as for kids in America. The milkweed seeds sprouted, and tender plants were moved to larger pots which were placed outside so the plants could “harden.” June 4th is the day the children will get to be “co-creators” with God, and set the plants in the ground on our church property. We hope that when the plants blossom, Monarch butterflies will be attracted by the scent, will lay eggs on the leaves, which will hatch into caterpillars which will feast on the leaves. They will transform first into chrysalises, and then into very beautiful Monarch butterflies.
  • Steptoe Lives is planning Juneteenth in Steptoe, on Sunday afternoon, June 18, 4 pm. Events will be held in the neighborhood (parade with drill team), at the St. James Missionary Baptist Church (music and Dancing Word) and here at Westport Presby (film)
    Friendship Time before and after worship with snacks and coffee. Starts at 10:20 am in the main hallway. Continues after worship. Time for spontaneous friendship interaction. Smile.
  • ZOOM Dialogue on the subject: Critical Race Theory: The Myths! The Facts! Tuesday, June 6 at 7 pm. Dialogue Partners: Justice Gatson, anti-racist educator and organizer, PUIMN, and Rev Scott. 75 minutes. Q & A. Ask Rev Scott for the ZOOM link.
    Church Office (including weekday lunches) closed Monday for the Memorial Day holiday


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