Updates from the Church

Updates from the Church

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Dear  Westport Presbies, families and friends,

Greetings to all of you in the liberating, healing, guiding, comforting Spirt of Jesus! We keep you and yours in our prayers in this time of grief and sorrow and hope you are still able to find times and places for joy in your soul, success in your life purposes and meaning in your daily work and rest. Keep coming alive and doing what causes you to come alive. This is what our world needs! We praise God!

Please continue to pray for the Marian and Tim Thomas family in their bereavement for their son, Steven. We also keep in our prayers many members and friends and family members who are seeking healing, recovery and going through different kinds of treatments, surgeries and procedures in the past few weeks, now and in the near future: Carly Simon and her family, Paul Mesler, Jim Turner, Bart Myers, Joe Raach, Jeanne Reiss Myers (surgery Friday, March 25), Roy Fester, Jeff Kuhn, Donna Kay Campbell (Donna Kay’s 70thbirthday is coming up on March 26, including a family and friends birthday party), Connie Benish (Martine Roesel’s mother), Elidah Chibanda (returned to Africa in wake of sudden death in her family, her sister’s son), Janet Sears (in loss of her beloved husband Don Sears), Rae Peterson (death of her husband, Fred Culver), family and friends of Ginger Ferguson, Linda Smith (doing much better after knee replacement surgery), Barbara Doebele in the death of her husband, Jim Doebele (“The Saint on the 2nd floor” in the old church, Jim was director of Westport Cooperative Services for many years), Gary Gall and Bettie Taylor.

Westport Presbies! You have been so generous recently in two significant causes: Helping to send Mollie Sweeney to a model United Nations in New York City and now giving nearly $3,000 (as of March 23) for Ukrainian refugees (funds are channeled through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance), to which you can still donate by giving to the church and designating your gift “Ukrainian Refugees”.

Westport Showers and the Westport Weekday Food Refuge continue to meet the challenges of the extreme poor, houseless and low income people in our community. The two teams making these great works happen always need volunteers, food supplies, kitchen supplies, financial donations, prayers, and clothing items. We are serving over 30 people every Sunday morning with showers, clothes washing, clothes giving and food; and we are serving 90 people a week with nutritious lunches of a meat sandwich, the greatest PB & J’s around, fruit, chips, water, some sweet and then also other great food items such as hard boiled eggs. Thanks to all who are making these miracles happen all the time!


Coming up on Sunday, April 3, 11 am during worship is a Dialogue between Diane  Waddell of Presbyterian Earth Keepers, Marty Kraft, a leader in our region for many years in the struggle to reduce and reverse global warming, and Rev Scott.











Thanks to our Earth Care team for their work on this and other efforts, including contacting Kansas City government leaders to support earth friendly initiatives such as earth friendly LED street lighting and building codes. 


Illuminated Good Friday service will be April 15 at 7:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday Celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection is April 17 at 11:00 am.

All our services will continue to be in person and livestreamed on Facebook
(Thanks especially to Deanna Capps for her skills and commitment, and also Martine Roesel, for all work done to make the livestream service available and accessible).
Ongoing gratitude to our music leaders Emily Davidson, Jennifer Weiman, Josh Stark, Emma Witbolsfeugen and Neal Long (who sadly has just taken a position as Music Director of the Unitarian Church in Overland Park).

Siyahamba! (We are marching, dancing, singing, praying, serving, seeking—in the Light of God!


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