Video will stream LIVE on the church’s FB page on Sundays at 11am and the video will be cross-posted here momentarily afterward.
A New Word With an Timeless Truth!
Season of Pentecost! Season of Promise, Struggleand Growing Compassion! October 17, 2021 In Person and Online Services PRELUDE: For Me to Live Is Jesus— Johann Pachelbel UNISON CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS This is what compassion does: It challenges our assumptions! Our sense of self limitation! Our sense of being at the center of everything! Our lack of empathy for the…
Job—A Play?A Poem? A Divine Abstract Drama For a Contemporary Stage?
Season of Pentecost! Season of Promise, Struggleand Growing Compassion! October 10, 2021 – In Person and Live Services PRELUDE: Let All Things Now Living— Hayes /Gaspard UNISON CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS This is what compassion does: It challenges our assumptions! Our sense of self…
Racism and Anti-Racism
Season of Pentecost! Season of Promise, Struggle and Growing Compassion! October 3, 2021 PRELUDE: Fantasia in D minor: Allegro-Georg Philipp Telemann CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS What brings you joy? What slows you down? What gives you hope? What makes you think? What invites you to wonder? What makes you change? What voice speaks truth you cannot find words to speak or…
Think Little
Westport Presbyterian Church In-Person and Livestream Worship Service September 26, 2021 PRELUDE: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (OLD HUNDREDTH) Bradley Sowash CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS (a call to worship): Pastor: You are Creative Mystery! People: You are the Unnamed Stupendous! Pastor: You are Earth Maker! People: Divine Light! Pastor: …
Forgive Us
Westport Presbyterian Church In-Person and Livestream Worship Service September 19, 2021 PRELUDE: Come, Holy Traveler (CANDLER) Patricia Lou Harris CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS (a call to worship): Pastor: What brings you joy? People: What slows you down? Pastor: What gives you hope? People: What makes you think? Pastor: What invites you to wonder? People: What…
Healing, Hope & the Mission of Jesus Followers Today!
Service of Healing at 20th Anniversary of 9/11 attacks Sept 12, 2021 11:00 am PRELUDE: Adagio for Strings, Op. 11- Samuel Barber; Arranged for keyboard by Laurence Rosen (Synchronized with images from a slide show created by Rev Scott for the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 Memorial Concert—led by…
A Fool’s Story
In Person and Livestream Worship Services Sept 5, 2021 11:00 am PRELUDE: Sonata in G major, L. 179–Domenico Scarlatti CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS Pastor: It is through weakness and vulnerability that we learn empathy and compassion People: And discover our souls. Pastor: Under the greatest adversity there exists the greatest potential…
What Kind of Soil Am I?
Season of Pentecost and the Startling Movement of the Holy Spirit! August 29, 2021 PRELUDE: Kelvingrove (“The Summons”)—Dr. Kris Rizotto CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS Pastor: Here in the busy city People: Now let the church be seen Pastor: Where lesser gods are worshipped People: In money and machine; Pastor: Where news is but sensation, People: The Good News hardly heard.…
Racism and Anti-Racism
12th Sunday of In Person Services August 22, 2021 PRELUDE: Lament—Theresa Wilhelmi CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS Pastor: Traveler, are you passing through? We are on a journey too. Here we meet to feast and rest, each of us, like you, a guest. People: We have found a deep spring here, constant water, pure and clear, and a fire to keep us warm through the…
Illuminated Faith of Jesus
11th Sunday of In-Person Services— August 15, 2021 PRELUDE: Reflection on ST. COLUMBA—Thomas Keesecker CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS Pastor: May we know the honor of being a human being.(Jake Swamp, Haudenosaunee/Iroquois) People: May we share the honor of being a human being. Pastor: Let us unite a frightened world by acts of kindness People: Hate has no home here. (a 9…