Worship Services Archive (Page 18)

Worship Services Archive (Page 18)

Video will stream LIVE on the church’s FB page on Sundays at 11am and the video will be cross-posted here momentarily afterward.

Celebrating Many Streams of Gratitude

A Thanksgiving Service—Celebrating Many Streams of Gratitude! Order of a Participatory Service of Readings, Singing, Prayers & Brief Meditation—November 25, 2021   11:00 am INTROIT:   Cherokee Morning Song UNISON CALL TO WORSHIP- taken from the spiritual vision of Oglala Lakota mystic—Black Elk Grandparent, Great Mystery, once more behold us on earth and lean to hear…

The Greatest of These is Love

Season of the Holy Spirit Moving with Power November 14, 2021 PRELUDE: Home—Ola Gjeilo CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS: —Filling & Emptying      Rev Scott HYMN:    Here I Am, Lord  GTG#69   RESPONSIVE CONFESSION AND COMMITMENT     –by Michelle Obama Leader:        You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able  to solve the world’s…

A Message! A Mission! A Holy Kiss!

Order of Worship Service—All Saints Sunday November 7, 2022   11:00 am PRELUDE: Toccata—Pellegrino Tomeoni (1721-1816) UNISON CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS  Be alert, my people,  for the grace of the Living God!    The Light Of The World starting to shine within us.   We can see again!The scattered and shattered places within becoming whole.  Our worst wounds are being…

Holy Ghosts!

A Worship Service that Starts at the End and Returns to the Beginning (A Halloween prank with a spiritual purpose) October 31, 2021  POSTLUDE: Toccata in D minor, BWV 565–J. S. Bach SUNG BENEDICTION RESPONSE:  Nunc Dimittis  Stanzas 1, 4 RESPONSIVE BENEDICTION:  Plain text—leader, Bold text—congregation  May you be alert for Resurrection II’s* glad surprise! When faith…

Singing and Praying at Midnight!

Season of Pentecost! Season of Promise, Struggle and Growing Compassion! October 24, 2021 PRELUDE: My Shepherd Will Supply My Need— Charles Callahan UNISON CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS:  Here in the busy city   Now let the church be seen    Where lesser gods are worshipped  In money and machine;    Where news is but sensation,The Good News hardly noticed or even heard.  …

A New Word With an Timeless Truth!

Season of Pentecost! Season of Promise, Struggleand Growing Compassion! October 17, 2021 In Person and Online Services  PRELUDE: For Me to Live Is Jesus— Johann Pachelbel UNISON CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS  This is what compassion does: It challenges our assumptions! Our sense of self limitation! Our sense of being at the center of everything! Our lack of empathy for the…

Racism and Anti-Racism

Season of Pentecost! Season of Promise, Struggle and Growing Compassion!  October 3, 2021 PRELUDE:  Fantasia in D minor: Allegro-Georg Philipp Telemann CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS What brings you joy? What slows you down? What gives you hope? What makes you think? What invites you to wonder? What makes you change? What voice speaks truth you cannot find words to speak or…

Think Little 

Westport Presbyterian Church In-Person and Livestream Worship Service September 26, 2021 PRELUDE:  Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (OLD HUNDREDTH) Bradley Sowash CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS (a call to worship): Pastor:      You are Creative Mystery! People:    You are the Unnamed Stupendous! Pastor:      You are Earth Maker! People:    Divine Light! Pastor:     …

Forgive Us

Westport Presbyterian Church In-Person and Livestream Worship Service September 19, 2021 PRELUDE:   Come, Holy Traveler (CANDLER)   Patricia Lou Harris CALL TO RETURN TO OUR SOULS (a call to worship): Pastor:  What brings you joy? People: What slows you down? Pastor:  What gives you hope? People: What makes you think? Pastor:  What invites you to wonder? People: What…