Posts from 2024

Posts from 2024

July/August Newsletter

 Dear Westport Presbies, We are delighted to announce we have hired an Interim Pastor!  Pastor Jared starts in August.  Pastor Susan’s last Sunday leading our worship service will be August 4, and Pastor Jared will join her in co-leading the service. Susan, we thank you for all you have done to get us this far! We will have a post-service luncheon on Aug 4 to…

June newsletter

Dear Westport Presbies, Here are a few updates! News In and Around the Community: The Deacons are reassembling a very out-of-date Prayer Chain. Please contact Nancy or the church if you wish to be on it. This involves receiving a call when there is a prayer concern and then calling the next person on the list. The Whites are proud to announce the graduation of their son,…

Farewell party

May Newsletter ( Dear Westport Presbies, Quick reminder that Sunday is a busy day! The Season of Pentecost is upon us!  Join us for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our Pentacost service on May 19th.  Wear red to symbolize the fire of the Holy Spirit descending upon us all! Sunday, May 19th at 12:10pm (following Worship Service), please join us for a BON…

May Newsletter

May Newsletter ( Dear Westport Presbies, The Season of Pentecost is upon us!  Join us for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our Pentacost service on May 19th.  Wear red to symbolize the fire of the Holy Spirit descending upon us all! News In and Around the Community: Our Interim Pastor Search Committee is hard at work, jumping through all the hurdles…

Newsletter 20240228

Dear Westport Presbies, Apologies for letting so much time pass without an email!  I don’t know about you, but we’ve been juggling figuring out how to get everything done in the absence of our Fearless Leader. News In and Around the Community: Pastor Search:After Reverend Scott died, we admittedly flailed around trying to figure out what was next.  Over the…