Church News (Page 5)

Church News (Page 5)

News, Announcements, and Inspiration from our church.

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NEWS from Westport Presby

Dear Westport Presbies, family and friends, Brrhhhh! We pray for your safety and that your power is on, and that if it went off (a number of us lost power), it’s back on, and that you are driving and walking with caution during these winter storms.   We also pray for Carly Simon as she recovers from serious back surgery. She is making progress every day and is…

Thanksgiving Dinner and other news

Dear Westport Presbies, family and friends,  Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner is Sunday, November 18 after worship. Please make your reservations as soon as possible. You can reply to this email, sign up on Sunday or call the church office. Adults $12. Children 10 and under $6. 3 and under are free. The dinner is only a little over two weeks away, so make your plans now!…

Mark’s message

Dear Westport Presbies, family and friends, These are such challenging times in our world, our country, our congregation, many people’s personal lives, many of our own lives. So I thought I would send out my two recent messages rooted in THE GOSPEL OF MARK. Mark’s gospel is a GOSPEL OF CHALLENGE AND INSPIRATION so it’s perfect for all the challenges…

NEWS from Westport Presby

Dear Westport Presbies, family and friends,  Greetings to you in the continuing holy season of Pentecost and the lively, healing, filling Holy Spirit! We are grateful to God for the blessing of being alive, for our souls’ capacity to experience God, for the experience of God’s grace in daily living and in worship and prayer, relationships of love, and through…