Church News (Page 6)

Church News (Page 6)

7/24 NEWS from Westport Presby

Dear Westport Presbies, family and friends,  A beautiful memorial service was held for Etta Marie Carlisle on Saturday, July 14. Sweet memories shared by all, beautiful music, prayers and message. And Etta Marie is still helping the church as there have been quite a few gifts to the Westport Concert Series in her honor. Thanks to all who were part of it, in person and in…

7/12/18: Etta Carlisle, prayers, action

Dear Westport Presbies, family and friends,  A memorial service celebrating the life and spirit of Etta Marie Carlisle will be held this Saturday, July 14, 10 am in the sanctuary. There will be a reception afterwards, a pot luck event including Etta  Marie’s Christmas Eve popcorn balls. Smile. All memorial gifts received will go to the Westport Concert series.…